Mentions légales et CGU

Legal Information and Terms & Conditions of Use of the Prim’s website
Please read these Terms & Conditions of Use, which govern the conditions of access and use of the website We recommend that you regularly refer to this section, as Société Bretonne de Volaille (SBV) reserves the right to amend it at any time.
All users declare that they have read and accepted the legal information and terms & conditions of use and undertake to comply with them.
Updated on 30 November 2023.
Legal information
Société Bretonne de Volaille (hereinafter referred to as “SBV”) is a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of EUR 83,470,000, with head offices registered to Zone Industrielle du Lay – 56660 Saint-Jean-Brévelay (FRANCE), registered in the Vannes Trade and Companies Register under number 808 448 757. is the official email address of the Prim’s website developed by SBV.
+33 (0)2 98 52 82 82
Intra-community VAT number: FR 90 808 448 757
Publication Manager: Laurent Girard – Managing Director
Website design and creation: Graphisweet a subsidiary of Graphimedia - Bâtiment MV Group - Espace Performance III - Centre Affaires Alphasis - 35760 Saint Grégoire (FRANCE)
The website is hosted by: SBV, Société Bretonne de Volaille via LDC - Zi St Laurent – 72300 Sablé sur Sarthe (FRANCE), a public limited company with a capital of EUR 6,785,055.60, registered in Le Mans Trade and Companies Register under number 576 850 697. Tel.: +33 (0)2 43 62 70 00.
Photo credits: LDC Groupe, Studio Erico d’Ario, Bruno Panchèvre, Istock.
Copyright - Trademark law – Database protection
The presentation and content of the website jointly constitute work protected by the applicable laws on copyright, and intellectual and industrial property.
The content found on the website (illustrations, photographs, images, text, animated sequences with or without sound, and other documentation), is subject to copyright, industrial, and/or intellectual property and are, depending on the case, the property of SBV, Société Bretonne de Volaille or third parties which have authorised SBV, Société Bretonne de Volaille to use it.
No commercial exploitation, reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation or marketing, in part or in whole, of these elements (including those that can be downloaded or copied) may be made without the prior written consent of SBV, Société Bretonne de Volaille, with the exception of private use subject to other or more restrictive provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Any use that has not been expressly authorised may result in the perpetrator being held civilly and/or criminally liable. SBV, Société Bretonne de Volaille reserves the right to take legal action against any person failing to respect this prohibition.
Privacy – Personal data – Cookies
Please refer to our Privacy Guidelines by clicking here:
Health information
For your health:
- Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day
- Exercise regularly
- Avoid eating food with excessive fat, sugar or salt content
- Avoid snacking between meals
For any further information, please visit the website:
SBV Société Bretonne de Volaille, has undertaken all due diligence to ensure the accuracy of the information found on its website (hereinafter referred to as the ”Website”). However, it may not be held liable for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions contained on the Website. The user is solely responsible for the use of such information.
SBV, Société Bretonne de Volaille does not provide any guarantee, explicit or implicit, and assumes no liability which may result from access or use of this Website, including any damage or viruses which could infect the user’s computer equipment or any other property.
Furthermore, SBV, Société Bretonne de Volaille may unilaterally suspend access to the Website, in whole or in part and temporarily or permanently, at any time. Such suspension of access may include content, features, or availability times. SBV may not be held liable for any such disruption of the Website’s services, and it may no way entitle third parties to compensation claims.
The Website’s pages may contain hyperlinks to other websites managed by third-party companies that are not affiliated with SBV, Société Bretonne de Volaille and which SBV, Société Bretonne de Volaille does not control. SBV, Société Bretonne de Volaille is not responsible for the content found on any other website to which you may gain access via the Website or LDC Group's other websites. Any user or visitor of the Website may not establish a hyperlink to this Website without first seeking the express authorisation of SBV, Société Bretonne de Volaille.